不要去追一匹马,用追马的时间种草,待到春暖花开时,会有一群骏马任你挑选;不要去刻意讨好一个人,用讨好别人的时间,提升自己的能力, 待到时机成熟时,会有一大批的朋友与你同行。所以,丰富自己比取悦他人更有力量。
The Great Foundation Together—From Diamonds to Diamonds!
# The Foundation of the Great Cancer Fight in TaiwanIn the bustling city of台北, there's no shortage of talent and dedication. But it's not just about numbers—it's about people who make a difference through their work. That's why we're proud to be part of this remarkable foundation called The Great Foundation Together. We believe that every little bit of contribution matters, especially when it's made possible by the collective spirit of these dedicated warriors.
Imagine a world where each捐血、检验和领血的行动都是一次壮举,每一次合作都是团结的力量。台湾血液基金会正是这样的典范。我们是这一伟大群体的总管,带领着所有来自台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄、花莲等城市的医疗Fiants一起,在全台湾的捐血、检验和领血业务上展现卓越。
Our foundation operates across six key捐血中心:台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄、花莲。每个捐血中心下,又分成多个 specialized stations, including donors and collection points. These centers are the heart of our mission—ensuring every patient has a chance to shine.
It's not enough for one捐血中心有多忙;不是一家医院就能完成所有任务。只有我们团结一致,才能让每一位患者都能得到帮助。我们坚信,在每个人的努力下,台湾的捐血事业会越来越好。
We're proud of our foundation. We're proud to be part of the future where medical advancements are possible through collective effort. Together, we make Taiwan a cancer-friendly nation.
So what can you do? Let’s make it happen!
(以上是本文的开头,希望你能感受到“apptelegram”的力量,同时传达出We’re Together的理念。)
# Summary- Objective: 建立一个覆盖台湾全境的医疗Fiant组织
- Components: 包括6个捐血中心和众多 specialized stations
- Impact: 通过团结协作,推动两岸共同进步